The African Association for
The African Association for
Pastoral Studies and Counselling
Pastoral Studies and Counselling
Bringing Pastoral Care and Counselling to Sub-Saharan Africa.
We are the African Association for Pastoral Studies and Counselling (AAPSC), an association that exists to promote pastoral care and counselling throughout Africa.
The association aims to educate, equip, and empower individuals and institutions in the theory and practice of pastoral care and counseling.
The African Association for Pastoral Studies and Counseling (AAPSC) is the African regional body linked to the International Council on Pastoral Care and Counseling (ICPCC) (, which facilitates the communication of pastoral care and counselling activities around the world and connects care providers with colleagues around the world.
To read more about the goal and purpose of AAPSC, see the constitution.

News and Announcements
8th African Congress on Pastoral Care and Counselling in 2021
Sep 13, 2019
The next congress, i.e. 8 th African Congress on Pastoral Care and Counselling of the African Association for Pastoral Studies and Counselling (AAPSC) will be held at North-West University, South Africa in 2021. More details to follow.
Contact us
Do you have requests or inquiries? Do you need additional information? Would you like to become a member? Get in touch!